948 research outputs found

    Karl Marx Conception of Labor Distribution Equality - Applying to Vietnam in the Trend of Technological Revolution 4.0

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    Karl Marx was a brilliant theorist, and a great revolutionary, who became the leader of the international communist and labor movement. He has spent his life and career tirelessly fighting for the cause of communism, for the justice and progress of mankind. The concept of labor distribution equality is one of the great legacies of  Karl Marx, which has been and has been the driving force behind the advancement of mankind in the struggle for equality and civilization. In particular, the current 4.0 industrial revolution changes the entire production system of the enterprise, the manufacturing sector, the management system of the nation, as well as the global governance system, High productivity, wealth for society. In the industrial revolution 4.0, workers are required to master and apply technology to serve human life. Therefore, the view of  Karl Marx on labor distribution equality - applied to Vietnam in the current trend of industrial revolution 4.0, is very important and urgent. Keywords: Labor distribution, fairness, industrial revolution 4.0 DOI: 10.7176/DCS/9-2-0

    Awareness of Universities Lecturers: Roles of Education and Training in Knowledge Economy Development in Vietnam Nowadays

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    This article focuses on analyzing, explaining essential aspects of theory of knowledge economy development in Vietnam, roles of education and training, and factors determining the roles in development of the knowledge economy in Vietnam. The article then assesses status quo and summarizes issues to be dealt with while carrying out roles of education and training in development of the knowledge economy in Vietnam nowadays. Based on findings, the author proposes basic solutions to promote the role of education and training in the development of the knowledge economy in Vietnam, meeting the requirements of soon making Vietnam become a modern industrialized country. Awareness of lecturers of roles of education and training in the development of the knowledge economy in Vietnam is a complicated issue, as in Vietnam the development of the knowledge economy has been started in the last two decades. In order to develop knowledge economy in Vietnam, one aspect of determinant implication is to properly understand position and roles of education and training in developing Vietnamese people comprehensively and improving quality of human resources for actors of the development of the knowledge economy. From aforesaid approach, the author analyzes, clarifies the nature and the intrinsic manifestations of roles of education and training in the development of knowledge economy in Vietnam, then points out factors determining roles of education and training in the development of  knowledge economy in Vietnam; at the same time, analyzes and indicates practical implications of roles of education and training in the development of knowledge economy; and finally proposes solutions to promote roles of education and training in the development of knowledge economy in Vietnam. * Keywords: Education and training, science and technology, knowledge economy, development of the knowledge economy, lecturers, scientists

    Billionaire private investment is good for the space industry, whether we like it or not.

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    This month sees two billionaires – Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos – perform suborbital flights on vehicles designed by their own companies. Hanh Nguyen-Le tracks the recent history of billionaire space projects, from space tourism, to operating commercially and contracting with the federal government. Despite billionaires’ unpopularity with much of the public, they argue that billionaire-involvement in space is a good thing – driving down costs, saving money for the space efforts of national governments, and increasing access to space in the long-run

    Impact of financial variables on the production efficiency of Pangasius farms in An Giang province, Vietnam

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    This research provides the first analysis of the relationship between farm financial exposure and technical efficiency in the Pangasius farming in An Giang province, in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. A nonparametric DEA approach has been applied to estimate technical and scale efficiency scores of 61 Pangasius farms in An Giang province in the year 2008. The mean technical efficiencies under assumption of constant returns to scale and variable returns to scale and scale efficiency were measured to be 0.595, 1.058 and 0.58 respectively. The decomposition of the technical efficiency measure shows that scale inefficiency is the primary cause of technical inefficiency in the the case of Pangasius farming as about 92% of the sample Pangasius farms exhibits increasing returns to scale (IRS). Then, estimated technical efficiency (TE) scores under assumption of variable returns to scale are used in a regression analysis to investigate the relationship between the efficiency measures and different farm characteristics, including financial considerations. Research results suggest that technical efficiency is influenced by investment level of farms as well as by farm operator's experience. The farms are invested more will be more efficient. The experience measured as the years of operator in farming Pangasius also suggests that the farmers having more experience may have better decisions in farm operating and more efficient in using inputs, thus, their farms are more efficient. Technical efficiency is positively influenced by the debt-to-asset ratio and also by the debt-to-equity ratio, while no statistically significant relationship is found between technical efficiency and the bank debt-to asset ratio. The other factors (age and education levels of the houshlod head) are found to have no effects on the technical efficiency in the sample farms

    Path Following and Avoiding Obstacle for Mobile Robot Under Dynamic Environments Using Reinforcement Learning

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    Obstacle avoidance for mobile robot to reach the desired target from a start location is one of the most interesting research topics. However, until now, few works discuss about working of mobile robot in the dynamic and continuously changing environment. So, this issue is still the research challenge for mobile robots. Traditional algorithm for obstacle avoidance in the dynamic, complex environment had many drawbacks. As known that Q-learning, the type of reinforcement learning, has been successfully applied in computer games. However, it is still rarely used in real world applications. This research presents an effectively method for real time dynamic obstacle avoidance based on Q-learning in the real world by using three-wheeled mobile robot. The position of obstacles including many static and dynamic obstacles and the mobile robot are recognized by fixed camera installed above the working space. The input for the robot is the 2D data from the camera. The output is an action for the robot (velocities, linear and angular parameters). Firstly, the simulation is performed for Q-learning algorithm then based on trained data, The Q-table value is implemented to the real mobile robot to perform the task in the real scene. The results are compared with intelligent control method for both static and dynamic obstacles cases. Through implement experiments, the results show that, after training in dynamic environments and testing in a new environment, the mobile robot is able to reach the target position successfully and have better performance comparing with fuzzy controller

    Ensemble learning for software fault prediction problem with imbalanced data

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    Fault prediction problem has a crucial role in the software development process because it contributes to reducing defects and assisting the testing process towards fault-free software components. Therefore, there are a lot of efforts aiming to address this type of issues, in which static code characteristics are usually adopted to construct fault classification models.  One of the challenging problems influencing the performance of predictive classifiers is the high imbalance among patterns belonging to different classes. This paper aims to integrate the sampling techniques and common classification techniques to form a useful ensemble model for the software defect prediction problem. The empirical results conducted on the benchmark datasets of software projects have shown the promising performance of our proposal in comparison with individual classifiers

    The question of quality

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    Phuong-Thao T. Trinh, Thu-Hien T. Le, Thu-Trang Vuong, Phuong-Hanh Hoang (2019). Chapter 6. The question of quality. In Quan-Hoang Vuong, Trung Tran (Eds.), The Vietnamese Social Sciences at a Fork in the Road (pp. 121–142). Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter. DOI:10.2478/9783110686081-011. Online ISBN: 9783110686081 © 2019 Sciendo / De Gruyte
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